Giugiaro: Made in Italy car production we’ve lost everything

Gloria Fiocchi Author
Stellantis makes car overseas and gets into Giugiaro’s sights: “Italian cars need redemption!”
Giugiaro Alfa Romeo

Stellantis increasing production of Italian cars outside Italy, leading to concern and criticisms at home. The choice is motivated by lower production costs. But this choice has an impact on the final price of cars and the future of the Italian automotive sector.

Stellantis’ choice to produce cars abroad: threat to Italian automotive legacy

With Stellantis under scrutiny for its production practices. The Minister of Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, criticized the foreign production of the Alfa Romeo Milano, which was renamed “Alfa Romeo Junior” after its production in Poland. Now, Giorgetto Giugiaro, a world-renowned Italian designer, also wanted to point his finger and have his say during an interview. In fact, he wanted to express his concern about the choice of Stellantis, stressing the importance of preserving Italian production to maintain the brand’s identity and value.

Moving car production overseas would hurt the local economy of various Italian regions. In addition, Italy’s automotive designs and manufacturing has always been synonymous with quality, innovation and style. This could also hurt ‘Made in Italy’ reputation.

Giorgetto Giugiaro

Preserve Made in Italy: Giugiaro’s appeal

Speaking about the new FIAT Panda, Giugiaro said:
“I’m pleased, I hope I can also use it, as long as the intent is to be inspired by the original, logical, spartan, unsophisticated, not prissy. But on car issues in Italy we have lost everything: two million cars? We will make 400,000, but what is it that we lose? These products however contested for various reasons create jobs and opportunities. We need strength, determination from a nation which wants a brand, not matter which one it may be, that can produce an Italian brand made by Italian talent using Italian workers, to sell on our territory as well as being exported.”

Giugiaro emphasizes, then, on the importance to preserve ‘Made in Italy’ in the automotive industry, a brand that has made history in the world and cannot be sold off.
Instead of relocating, the Maestro Giugiaro calls for investing in research and development, focusing on young talent and skilled workers to produce quality Italian cars to be proudly exported. With this, he wants to address all Italians, making an appeal. Choosing Italian products, supporting Bel Paese companies and promoting Italian ingenuity in the world are concrete actions that everyone can do to contribute to the rebirth of the Italian car.
Despite the difficulties, Giugiaro remains optimistic about the future of the industry. He believes that Italians have what it takes to rise again and that, by joining forces and putting the national interest first, a glorious future for the Italian car can still be built.